The Art of Creating Your Personal Wheel of Time Map

  The wheel of time world map

The Wheel of Time is a fascinating thing indeed. I have always wondered how it worked, or what it was for. In any case, it does, and we can use it to our advantage in many ways. This article is the first in a series that will explain the global time system and how we can use it to our benefit. If you are interested, read on!

Wheel of Time map - Custom 3D leather commission


 Wheel of time map poster

You see, the Wheel of Time is nothing more than a graphical chart that represents the evolution of time as it flows from place to place in the "real" world. It is a highly abstract depiction of this chaotic process. Although it may appear confusing at first, once you get the hang of it, you will see that it is not anything more than a diagram showing the flow of events.

The way that you will learn to use this wheel is by making your own personal chart using your own life experience. Try making a wheel of your own with you. Look back as far as possible, if possible, and try to pinpoint exactly when you achieved certain goals in life. Then look at the wheel to see what areas of your life need the most attention in order to move forward.

When you have completed making your wheel, print it out and use it as a time map. Start at the very beginning and go backwards in time. For instance, begin at the very first day of your life and follow that path as far as you can. Each day, mark which goal you accomplished, and that you are working on in your preparation for the next step in your journey.

If you haven't figured it out yet, your wheel will show the positions of all the planets and all of the major events in your personal and universal history. Use these as triggers to help inspire you as you strive to achieve your goals. The placement of each planet is important. It will help you find your place in the grand scheme of things. You may find that all the planets were in the right positions at some point, and that all you have to do is tweak one or two things to make your path even smoother!

Wheel of time reading order

When you are finished creating your wheel of time map, you should be able to see all the stages of your life on the map clearly. You will have some information on each stage of your life, including dates, and you should be able to make some predictions about what is about to happen. Your predictions may be true, but they only become true after you have experienced the events that were written on your chart. For example, if you choose to remove a part of the chart and spend some time in the silence, you may suddenly find yourself living a very different life from what you had planned.

Now that you have your wheel of time, you have some tools to help you make the best of your life. It is up to you how you use the map. If you find that the experience is too much to handle, you can simply erase some of the information on the wheel. However, if you find that life is still chaotic, you can add new information as often as you like.

Hopefully, now that you have a wheel of time, you will be better prepared for the chaos that life can bring. After all, you cannot expect to get anything done in a day. All that you need to do is plan your life so that you are prepared for the chaos to come. In the chaos that follows, you will learn to be flexible. You will realize that you do not always have to follow through with what you want to do, sometimes. A life of flexibility is definitely a beautiful thing!

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