Archaeologists Make New Discovery in the Egyptian Pyramids

Ancient Egypt's huge pyramids, astonishing sarcophagi, and even perplexing and inexplicable hieroglyphics are among the most fascinating and intriguing periods in human history.

New Discovery in the Egyptian Pyramids
 New Discovery in the Egyptian Pyramids

There's so much still unknown, yet so many relics from this nearly forgotten period in time and time again, researchers have uncovered relics from the ancient times of pharaohs learned more about their Reign and their dynasties and added them to history.

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This helps us paint a much more detailed image of what ancient Egypt would have looked like all those years ago. 

So, while we've already found countless documents and relics from this moment in history, historians and researchers are continuing to uncover more secrets about ancient Egypt than we could have ever imagined. 

Today, we'll be showcasing several incredible finds that left researchers Baffled. Many of these relics cannot be fully explained and may forever remain Mysteries. 

So without further ado, today, we'll be taking a look at several incredible ancient Egyptian findings that left scientists stunned, so be sure to stick around.

 Hidden Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza 

The pyramid of Giza is known around the world as being one of the largest pyramids ever found. The pyramid has Remained intact above ground for more than 4 500 years, but it still holds many mysteries that scientists have yet to uncover after being completed. The pyramid is said to measure around 146 meters in height; the pyramid had been created in memory of Pharaoh Cheops.

Hidden Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza

According to everything we've learned about Egyptian history so far. However, as time has passed and Egypt's climate has changed, the Giza Pyramid has lost about eight meters of its original height, owing largely to storms that have ravaged the area over the years, as well as natural degradation, after researchers spent many years examining the monument, believing they had learned everything there was to know about the great pyramid.

However, in 2017 they discovered something that shook them to their core. There had been a massive detail that had somehow been Overlooked. After all these years, researchers learned that a large, previously unknown chamber was located inside of the pyramid.

It's estimated that the chamber is made up of around 3 million stone blocks that weigh several tons each. The chamber is said to be located just above the great gallery and measures about 30 meters. Deep researchers were able to uncover this hidden chamber after using much more modern technology than what would have Been used many decades ago when the pyramid was originally explored. 

When they documented the inside of this hidden chamber, experts used sub-atomic particles to map out the interior. Of the pyramid, news quickly spread about this newly found chamber. However, researchers have no idea what it may have been used for, even after spending several decades exploring the pyramid and the surrounding areas. They have no idea why such a large, seemingly unusable chamber Would have been built in the centre of the structure.

Maybe more details will come to light as years pass by. However, for now, this mysterious chamber, inside Giza's pyramid, remains a mystery.

Mysterious Liquid in a Sarcophagus

Most of us can agree that Egyptian archaeological finds are truly remarkable.

However, some of the most important and interesting findings relate to the coffins found in the ruins of ancient Egypt. These grave markers give us a much closer look into the country's culture then. Showing us just how important burial rituals and the afterlife were to the ancient Egyptians. An ancient coffin was exhumed from Egypt several years ago.

Researchers were hopeful that this coffin would help shed additional light on some of the popular burial rituals at that time. However, some researchers were Hopeful that this coffin might contain the long-lost body of alexander the Great. 

However, as experts were removing the coffin from its burial place, they began to notice that everything was not as it seemed as soon as they took a look inside of the coffin.

They made a gruesome discovery. That was, unlike anything could have expected, as peered inside. They learned that the coffin did not contain the bones of the incredible leader known as alexander.

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Instead, it contains the remains of three people who had all been tightly buried together in a small chamber. On top of the coffin had not sealed well, or the seal had withered away after thousands of years. They knew this because the coffin had also been filled with a mysterious liquid substance that they could not explain. Some researchers speculate that it may have been intentionally placed inside the coffin, but no one knows for sure. 

The broth was said to have been incredibly smelly, though some locals wanted to take samples of the liquid to use it for their private desires.

Whatever those may have been, researchers did not let this take place, and they soon learned that the liquid did not intentionally place inside of the coffin. Instead, they found out the liquid was sewage that had leaked into the coffin over many years. The experts Were never able to determine who had been buried in the coffin, but they believed the bones belonged to a warrior, as they found a skull wound that appeared to have been caused by an arrow.

 Correctly On exploring pyramids, such as the great pyramid of Giza, it is relatively easy. All things considered. Yes, there are difficult areas in the pyramid that humans cannot reach, but that doesn't mean technology hasn't Given us An astounding look into these once forgotten chambers. 

Inside of the great pyramid. However, traversing entire cities, such as Heraklion and Canopus, has proven to be much more difficult. These cities were once two of the most important locations in Egypt, helping to bring in goods from other nearby countries.

However, as time passed by, these cities began to crumble, and the ever-expanding sea eventually swallowed them. Several Incredibly well-preserved artefacts have been rescued from these cities, though, and these artefacts have given us amazing insight into what life must have been like All those years ago. 

For example, a team of highly experienced divers managed to document the remains of an incredible temple located deep beneath the surface inside this temple. They found several ceramic artefacts and several batches of bronze coins in the years of ancient Egypt. These coins would have likely been very valuable.

However, more valuable was the information. Archaeologists uncovered soon. After they learned, the city was much larger than they had originally believed,  they uncovered more and more artefacts, proving that The city was several times larger than it appeared to be. Researchers investigated cannabis as well. They learned that this city, as well, was much larger than it appeared to be.

They also found dozens of valuable coins here, all of which are in shockingly good condition for their age. 

Light Bulbs from Dendera 

We can all understand that the ancient Egyptians didn't have the means of writing down history. The same way we do today, most of the information about their culture and daily lives have been lost to time.

However,  Egyptians wanted everything within their power. To ensure that their history would live on for as long as possible. To do this, they developed a complicated writing system that used images of common objects, such as birds and other animals. The writing style is referred to as hieroglyphics. We've come a long way in understanding how this writing system works and have uncovered many stories That the writings relay. 

Though one of the most interesting stories to have been shared through hieroglyphics, it Seems to show an old version of a light bulb that has, to this day, remained largely unsolved.

The problem with images is the Egyptians would have no reasonable way to create a rudimentary version of the modern light bulb. Though the images and carvings that we have access to seem to show in perfect detail a depiction of a modern bulb, some people believe that otherworldly beings must have visited the ancient Egyptians and given them access to modern technology. 

These theories have been furthered by other drawings and historical documents that speak of gods and goddesses. That may have once co-mingled with humanity. As far as we can tell, there's no definitive evidence of these, and many of these stories seem to be nothing more than Hearsay, but we can't be so sure.

This is because, according to researchers, the temple in which these carvings were found showed no evidence of soot on the walls or ceiling. This means that torches would not have been used in this area, or they would not be used very frequently. 

So if this is the case, how would visitors have been able to see the rooms surrounding them unless they had access to some alternative form of light, possibly a light bulb for now? We don't know for sure what these drawings could mean.

After all, the drawings could depict an everyday object that would have been very common during ancient Egyptian times. This object could be lost to history and may have merely resembled a light bulb rather than a viable light source for the Egyptians. 

Hopefully, as time passes on, we'll learn more about these drawings and what they truly predict, though, for the moment, we can't help but wonder if the ancient Egyptians may have had access to some ancient version of the modern light bulb. What makes this discovery even more interesting is that researchers have learned that the pyramids may have been able to harness the power of electromagnetic energy in recent years.

The shape of the pyramids allegedly may be able to harness certain forces of nature, allowing the ancient Egyptians to have access to certain powers that, even these days, we're not able to harness. 

This theory has grown so far that certain Russian research departments have begun reconstructing models of the pyramids in their research. They've learned that, yes, the shape of the pyramids may have truly been able to reflect electromagnetic waves, potentially allowing the Egyptians to harness this energy.

Whether or not they would have been able to use this energy to power things such as old light bulbs is an entirely different Story, but it's certainly interesting to think about.

 The Lost City of Cotton

 If we were to look back around 3 400 years in human history, we'd be able to see the ancient Egyptian city of Cotton; this Town would have been located about five kilometres from Luxor. The Town was named after the Egyptian sun god, who shared the same name. At least that's what we've gathered from historical Records that have managed to stand the test of time for countless years.

This city was believed to have been lost to time. 

However, in 2020, researchers managed to finally clear out the ruins of the Town to get a much closer look at what life would have been like all those years ago and possibly even solve some ancient Egyptian mysteries. 

We don't know much about the Town for certain, but we have reason to believe that the Town may have at some point Been the largest metropolis in all of ancient Egypt.

We have evidence that  Town would BE the forefront of Egyptian culture, standing as a town where trading would have taken place, as well as countless other acts of business; by all means, Anton would have been the epicentre for nearly every important deal that Took place in ancient Egypt and would have likely been the most important economic and administrative Town at the time.

 When the Town was built, ancient Egypt would have been in its prime. The discovery and research surrounding this Town have shed a lot. Of light on Egyptian culture, but the discovery has also provided many more questions than answers. Researchers are hopeful that, as they continue to uncover new information about the town, they may learn more about ancient Egyptian rulers. For example, we'd love to learn more about Akhenaten and Nefertiti, as well as their strange and Seemingly random decision to move to tell el Amarna.

Since we know that aten would have dissolved around the same time, there may be information here that could help us understand what truly happened during that time and what eventually led to the downfall of cotton. Which of these discoveries did you find the most interesting?

 Let us know in the comments below do you believe the ancient Egyptians had access to modern electricity? What are your theories about The newly discovered chamber in the pyramid of Giza? Share your thoughts with us. Thanks

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