How to Start An Animal Sanctuary?

An animal sanctuary is a place where animals in need can live out their lives in safety. If you want to start your own animal sanctuary, read this article. We'll outline the important steps you need to take. Additionally, we'll talk about the different types of places you can start an animal sanctuary. We'll also share some tips for the future.

What is Animal Sanctuary?

How to start an animal sanctuary?

Animal Sanctuary is a refuge where abandoned or abused animals are rehabilitated and cared for. Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit organization that conducts humane and livelihood operations to keep as many of these animals as possible out of needless euthanasia. 

Animals that cannot be rehabilitated continue to need sanctuary, and so the sanctuary also cares for animals that have been abandoned or surrendered by their owners. There are also animal sanctuaries for more than just dogs and cats.

An animal sanctuary is a type of animal rescue that takes care of abandoned, neglected or abused animals. People who run animal sanctuaries are often called animal rescuers.

The purpose of sanctuaries is to create safe havens for animals by providing the finest care that the sanctuaries can.

Animals are not purchased, sold, or exchanged, and they are not subjected to animal testing. In a safe setting, the resident animals are given the opportunity to behave as naturally as possible. The notion that residents come first separates a sanctuary from other institutions. Every move in a sanctuary is investigated for any hint of human advantage at the expense of the sanctuary's non-human members.

Sanctuaries act on behalf of the animals, and caregivers work under the assumption that all animals, human and non-human, in the sanctuary are equally important.

  1. Companion Animal Sanctuaries 
  2. Wildlife Sanctuaries 
  3. Exotic Animal Sanctuaries
  4. Farmed Animal Sanctuaries.

How to start an Animal Sanctuary?

Interacting with people, raising cash, developing facilities, dealing with legal difficulties, and more are all part of the process of starting your own refuge. But, before you start thinking about all of that, we strongly advise you to complete the following steps:

Setting Up Your Own Sanctuary

Consider your motivations

Be brutally honest with yourself. Think, What makes you desire to run a sanctuary? If your main response is that you love the animal, you should pause and reconsider what you're doing.  The amount of effort, heartache, dedication, time, energy, money and simple sweat required will quickly outnumber the love element.

Please make an effort to educate yourself. The most incredible way to learn is to volunteer at a sanctuary. Visit other facilities and ask questions of the directors and workers.


Before you begin, it is a good idea to make a plan. Here are some fundamental questions that must be addressed:

  • What kind of animals do you want to take in — dogs, cats, horses, birds, or something else?
  • How many animals do you intend to take in?
  • What will you do with these creatures if you don't have a place to put them?
  • Who will be available to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
  • How much would it cost you to save these creatures in terms of both time and money?

Define your objectives 

Create a written mission statement that explains the sanctuary's purpose and goals. What are the plans for the sanctuary's expansion? Take a long-term perspective.

Please put it on the books 

You'll need a mission statement, as well as bylaws and articles of incorporation, to form a corporation. If you want to qualify for tax-exempt status, the IRS will demand specific paperwork. 

A nonprofit lawyer may be beneficial and is nearly always required unless you are ready and able to handle the paperwork yourself. Obtain accreditation. This will help you gain credibility and provide you with access to a large number of sanctuaries.

Visit and volunteer at a sanctuary or shelter near you

Visitors and volunteers are always welcome at Best Friends. Simply give us a call, and we'll gladly assist you in planning your visit with us and answer any of your questions to the best of our ability. If you'd like to volunteer closer to home, we may be able to assist you in finding no-kill sanctuaries in your area.

Carefully select your location 

Check with your municipality to see if the location you're considering is zoned for the purpose you have in mind. 

Learn how to raise money. Mini-Pigs and other niche shelters may have a tougher time raising funds than more traditional companion-animal sanctuaries.

Keep your expectations in check

How many animals do you think you can handle? Consider your existing situation and the impact that caring for animals will have. Money and space aren't the only concerns; your time and devotion are as well.

Make a request for assistance 

Professional assistance will be required depending on the size and nature of your sanctuary. It's critical that you select a compassionate local veterinarian that will work with you. Similarly, solicit the assistance of those who are knowledgeable on public relations, fundraising, and website design. 

Look for volunteers who will donate their time and energy to the animals in addition to these specific abilities.

Be ready for a struggle 

Running a sanctuary is a serious project that demands dedication and a lot of hard work (no pun intended). You are frequently confronted with situations you could not have predicted, and you may become discouraged. You'll come face to face with the darker side of human nature. The Holes had been there, but they would not give up their lives for the sake of another. The task is difficult, yet it is never a burden for them.

Read Also:  The Wild Animal Sanctuary In Colorado - A Hidden Treasure

Maintain your focus on the prize 

Don't lose sight of the motivation for your sanctuary. Your goal is to improve this refuge while also assisting others who are in need. Your mission will be to rescue and care for these special, lovely, and misunderstood creatures for the rest of their lives.

Running an Animal Rescue Is Tough But Rewarding

It can be a significant task to start your own animal rescue. Because they begin taking animals in before considering the foundations of running a nonprofit, newcomers are sometimes overwhelmed and frustrated. They can also become stymied if they take in too many creatures too quickly.

The secret to running a successful animal rescue is to take your time, do your homework, talk to other rescuers for advice, and get all of your documentation, processes, and people in order first. Make sure you have clear objectives and that you regularly analyze your progress to determine what's working and what needs to be improved. 

However, You can have a rescue that saves many lives and produces happy families for years to come if you follow these instructions and go slowly.

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